Equipment Suppliers

NOTE:  The following list provides suppliers of equipment who have self-certified to SAAMI that their product offerings meet the minimum requirements as detailed in the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (“SAAMI”) American National Standards.  Inclusion on this listing does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these manufacturers by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc., it has been compiled for informational purposes only. As listed below, there are alternatives that meet the standard and users are encouraged to make a selection to best meet their needs.

Item Known Supplier(s) and Model (Where Applicable) Alternate
Action Proving Dummy Rounds SAAMI Product Codes and Supplier Information (Specific to Cartridge Type) Other Equivalent
Charge Amplifier PCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 443B02 Other Equivalent
Conformal Piezoelectric Transducer Calibration Adapter PCB Piezotronics, Inc. – 090B Series (Specific to Cartridge Type) Other Equivalent
Copper Crusher Cylinders – Pressure Measurement  SAAMI Product Codes and Supplier Information Other Equivalent
Copper Crusher Cylinders – Rimfire Indent Measurement Cox Manufacturing Co. (17WSM, 22S/L/LR, 22WMR) Other Equivalent
Digital Voltmeter Fluke Corporation – Model 8845A
Fluke Corporation – Model 8846A
Other Equivalent
Drop Test Surface Polyurethane Products Corp. – Product Code: P185SAA01-01 (Reference Quote Number 31461) Other Equivalent
Electronic Counter Chronograph Oehler Research –  Model 35BNC Other Equivalent
Gas Checks  SAAMI Product Codes and Supplier Information Other Equivalent
Insulation Tester Kistler Instrument Corp., Model 5493 Other Equivalent
Low Noise Cable PCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 003Cxx (Specific to Cable Length) Other Equivalent
Peak Voltage Meter PCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 444A152 Other Equivalent
Photoelectric (Velocity) Screens Oehler Research – Model 57 Other Equivalent
Piezoelectric Transducer ConformalPCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 117Bxx (Specific to Cartridge Type) for MAP less than or equal to 65,000 PSI
ConformalPCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 117Mxx (Specific to Cartridge Type) for MAP greater than 65,000 PSI
ShotshellKistler Instrument Corp. – Model 6239A
ShotshellPCB Piezotronics, Inc. – Model 118A07
Other Equivalent
Proof Load Ammunition SAAMI Product Codes and Supplier Information (Specific to Cartridge Type) Other Equivalent
Reference Ammunition SAAMI Product Codes and Supplier Information (Specific to Cartridge Type) Other Equivalent
Reference Ammunition Assessments SAAMI Technical Office (Click Here to Contact) Other Equivalent
Test Barrel Bill Wiseman & Co.
H-S Precision, Inc.
Krieger Barrels, Inc.
Hart Rifle Barrels, Inc.
SATERN Barrels
Wilson Arms Company
Other Equivalent
Transducer Calibrator (Direct Fluidic Calibrator) PCB Group – The Modal Shop, Inc. – Model K9905D Other Equivalent
Universal Receiver Bill Wiseman & Co.
H-S Precision, Inc.
Ulysses Machine Company
Other Equivalent