SAAMI publishes information pamphlets, guidance documents and advisories on various topics relating to the storage, use and transportation of firearms, ammunition and propellant.
Guidance on Ammunition That Has Been Submerged In Water – Is it possible to salvage ammunition that has been exposed to water? Can ammunition that has been submerged in water for a period of time be salvaged? Should one set it out and attempt to dry it? What are the potential hazards?
Guidance On Firearms That Have Been Submerged In Water – Natural and man-made disasters may result in firearms being exposed to or completely submerged in rain or flood waters. The questions that arise are how best to preserve recovered firearms from further damage and will the firearm ultimately be safe to use again.
Informational Publications
SAAMI Generally Accepted Firearms and Ammunition Interchangeability – This document lists generally accepted alternate cartridge/chamber combinations.
SAAMI Generally Accepted Cartridge and Chambers – This document lists equivalent/historical names for cartridges.
How Does a Cartridge Become a SAAMI Standard and What is the Benefit? – This document provides an overview of the SAAMI standardization process.
Considerations in Range Cleaning – This document reviews areas that must be taken into consideration to ensure the safety of range personnel, employees and those handling the waste stream for collection, transport, and disposal.
Take-Home Lead Hazards – This document reviews the steps for minimizing lead exposure in the workplace and specifically for take-home lead which can expose family members to this material.
Recommendations for Safe Ammunition Storage and Handling – This document contains basic and important facts about the properties of ammunition for sporting and law enforcement use, as well as recommendations for safe storage and handling. This information is intended to address some common misperceptions and myths about the safety of ammunition.
Smokeless Powder – This document explains the properties of smokeless powders, considerations and recommendations for storage and how to check for deterioration.
Primers – This document covers the appropriate general properties of sporting primers, their handling and recommended storage.
Sporting Firearms – This document provides general guidelines on handling, transportation and shipping regulations related to firearms for both the FFL holder and the private firearms owner.
Facts About Sporting Ammunition Fires – This document provides a detailed description of what really happens to ammunition in a fire, upon sudden impact, and what danger it poses to firefighters.
ORM-D to Limited Quantity Transition – This document provides guidelines for the transition from ORM-D Classification to Limited Quantity (LQ) for ammunition shipping.
SAAMI Guidance on Use of DOT-SP 21114 – This document provides guidance for the use of DOT-Special Permit 21114, which authorizes the transportation in Commerce of small arms ammunition as a Limited Quantity (LQ) that is packed in a loose unoriented configuration.